Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can my Doubles Team have 3 players?
A: Doubles teams can have a 3rd player. This is especially good for teams that have players with busier schedules. These teams do not need to determine which of their 3 players will play in advance of the match. However, the two players that start the match, must complete the match.
Q: Can my doubles team sub out a player in advance once the season has started? New players cannot be added once the season has started. However, your team can consist of three players (all three players will need to have registered and paid prior to the season start date). This will allow your team to sub in and out accordingly.
Q: Can I play on more than one Ladder?
A: Yes. With the exception of the Singles Ladder. You cannot sign up twice in the same singles ladder. For example; you cannot sign up to play in the Pickleball Singles Ladder (2.5/3.0) and Pickleball Singles (3.5).
Q: Why is everyone ranked #1 on the Ladder?
A: All players on the ladder will be ranked #1 when the season begins. You can start playing and acquiring points as soon as the season starts. The leaderboard is updated every Sunday evening at midnight. You can check the new rankings online every Monday.
Q: Can I turn off emails from the Play the Ladders and just log in to the system to check for proposals or propose matches?
A: Yes, If you wish to not receive these emails and prefer to just look at the Proposal board in the system, you can go into your profile and check the "No proposal emails" box. Even with this box checked, you will still receive an email confirmation if someone accepts your proposal. PLEASE DO NOT MARK THIS AS SPAM. If the box is checked for 'no emails' and you are still receiving emails outside of this, contact us and we will investigate it further.
Q: How do I change my profile information in the system?
A: If you need to change any information in your profile, you can do this by clicking “User Profile” next to your name at the top of the screen when you are in the system. You are responsible for your own profile. It might be a good idea to temporarily remove your email address if you know that you will be out of town for a long period of time and don’t want emails. If you can’t remember your password, click Forgot your password at the Log In page, and it will be emailed to you.
Q: What happens if myself or my partner gets injured after the season starts? Do we get a refund?
A: Unfortunately, we can not give refunds after the season has officially started. However, we understand that things do happen and are happy offer you and your partner a one time credit. Additionally, if your partner would like to continue playing, we can do our best to match your partner with someone else.
Q: How do I propose a match?
A: To Propose a Match, click on the “Propose” button. Enter the date, time and location of the match. Then click “Propose”. If there is a guest fee at the proposed venue, please note the fee next to the location. If you do not put a fee amount and there is a fee when your opponent gets there, you can not expect them to pay the fee.
Your entry for a proposal should look like the following;
02/21/23 09:00am Site Location: Lifetime Fitness ($5 fee)
Very important to enter this information accurately. If you do not enter a time or the time is entered incorrectly, it will default to 12:00am. Please make sure you include am/pm and check for accuracy before hitting “Propose”.
Once you propose a match, an email will automatically be sent to all players on the ladder with your proposal information.
With the Proposal function, please don't use "email everyone". Some players don't want to receive emails and prefer to look at the proposal board.
Q: What happens if a match is scheduled in a particular week (week 1) but needs to be rescheduled for a different week (week 2) due to inclement weather?
A: You can leave the match as is and just enter the scores after the match. You will get points awarded based on your ranking at the time the challenge was accepted!